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Hello, Guys ! !
Cyndy mau masukkan contoh membaca berita dalam English, nih. Let's lesson how to read a news in English ! !

source: VoA News,

That's all the news for today
You can also visit our website to get more information on (situs website acara tersebut)
Have a nice day and keep stay tune on (nama channel acara tersebut)

semoga bisa bermanfaat :)
English is so fun :)


  1. you are so helping babe thx u so much :) we are likely have a same passion haha :D

  2. You're Welcome :) I think so. haha :D
    I join The English Club in my high school, And my division is News casting. So, I often practice read many news like news Anchor. How about you?
    by the way, Nice to meet you :')

    1. OMG i just forget that I've ever given any comment . So do I, i am joining english club in my high school and my division is news casting also. where do you study anyway? nice to meet you too :) this has been a year ago but.. hehe I just want to say thank u for you, because your posting helped me to enter the english club in my school :) thanks a lot.

    2. You're welcome. ;)
      I'm glad this post can be useful for u. :)

      Sorry, I'm also late reply your comment too. this has been 5 months ago. hehe :D

      I am 12th grade now.. I live in Bengkulu ...
      I'm student in SMAN 2 Bengkulu..

      How about u?

    3. very nice it good newscasting

  3. thank you so much for ur postt :) it's really help me to learn english more and more! i mean ur website is so cool and i love your website contentt :D maybe u want to visit back my website? :) thanksss

    1. yaahh, Sorry I can reply ur comment now.. I was too busy on April and May because I have to complete my requirement for university soon.. u're welcome. I'm glad It can help u.Thanks u've loved my website content anyway . . :D
      okay I will visit ur website soon ;)

    2. I have just visited ur website.. ur articles are interesting.. that's good.. I think ur articles also give suggestions to readers. . :)

  4. thank you so much for ur postt :) it's really help me to learn english more and more! i mean ur website is so cool and i love your website contentt :D maybe u want to visit back my website? :) thanksss

  5. thanks for your post. nice to meet you :)

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. You're welcome. Thanks for visiting this blog. :) Sorry for replying in 2020. Nice to see you!


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